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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Years Resolutions...1. stop procrastinating

Everyone that has a card blog seems to have posted some sort or another of a New Years Resolution for collecting this year. I have been meaning to do so as well but, like everything else, I seem to keep putting it off. In my defense, I have been preoccupied with some of my other NYR's that have sort of become that proverbial snowball, if you know what I mean. I decided that after over 12 years of avoiding health practitioners, I'd see a doctor. What I want to know is why isn't there anything wrong with me until I go to the doctor? But none of that is relevant here because this, my friends, is a card blog.

So my card collecting resolutions for the new year are all based on my actions of last year and the amount of money and time I spend amassing a giant pile of insignificance. Therefore, in no particular order, I bring to you the Real DFG's Card Collecting Resolutions:

1. Buy less retail wax. I have become so caught up in busting packs that I lost site of the fact that for the most part, I am not gaining anything toward my PC. I've talked about this numerous times; that burn that courses through my veins as I tear into the packs searching for the "greatest pull of all time". What that is, I don't know. But what I do know is that I need to stay away from the Wal-Mart.

2. Trade more. That's what it is all about right? Trading? I decided to put my own Trading Tracker on the page to the left here so I can really see what my habits are. Last year I spent more time searching for stuff on eBay rather than my fellow collectors. Hopefully we can change that.

3. Build more in my PC. I didn't buy very much for my PC last year other than a few cards. In fact, I can only think of about 10 or so cards that I would even consider permanent fixtures to my collection. This will change. My goal is 50 PC cards. That's about 4-5 per month. I can do it.

4. Expand my player collections. I have so many half-assed player collections it is ridiculous. I plan to refocus some of my attention on building these and filling some holes. Now that I have discovered CheckOutMyCards and SportsLots, this might be easier than I thought.

5. Finish some sets. I have about 2 dozen partial sets. I plan on completing at least six of these by Jan 1 2011. Maybe some readers can help me out. My wantlists are also posted on the right.

That's it. I only have 5 goals. Not 10 or 15 like some of my fellow bloggers out here but 5. I think it is pretty realistic and I am already on my way with some trades in the hopper so we will see at the end of the year where I am (if I last that long).


  1. two things...

    one, my half of our trade went out late this afternoon..

    two, why procrastinate today when you can procrastinate tomorrow?

  2. Good point. I think I will start that philosophy tomorrow.

    No problem on the trade. I sent yours already on Monday I think.


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