Sunday, February 17, 2013

500 Posts Came And Went

I'd like to start by saying, Happy Hockey Day In America to all.  I'm just sitting here waiting for the puck to drop on the Penguins/Sabres game and figured I'd share a thought or two.

In the midst of all the chaos of me trying to revive my cardboard soul and now the devastation of finding out the subject of my Super Collection has been sent off to "bluer" pastures in Winnipeg for a bucket of rusty nails, it totally slipped my radar that I have eclipsed the 500 post mark.

Now that isn't necessarily a huge feat considering that I have been posting on here since July 14, 2009 at 2:24 PM Central Standard Time.  Many of you out there hit 500 posts within the first 12-18 months of existence and I think that is great.  For me though, 500 posts is bigger than that when you consider that I am not a writer nor a very extroverted person.  I don't have a method to writing and I certainly don't have 100 ideas constantly brewing in my head.  When I share something, it tends to be something I put more thought into rather than posting for posting sake.  I'm not saying I haven't been guilty of phoning it in once in a while but for the most part, I to have something substantial to want to share it.

So with that said, I'm taking a moment to reflect on some things I've learned in the 500 posts and almost four years of doing this blogging thing.

First, I would like to re-share my very first post with everyone.  Here is the link if you would like to go back and read it, otherwise, I attached the text below. 

First comment.  Why I got into this thing in the first place?  Because of other bloggers.  There were about a dozen or so guys that posted almost everyday and had something to say that was both thought provoking, amusing, funny, and very entertaining.  Of those dozen or so, only about 5 of them are still around.  That is a testament to how polarizing this hobby can be, especially when you want to share it with the world.  Life happens.  I know that more than anyone.  So the fact that there are survivors out there gives everyone hope that this truly can be a lifelong hobby.

To my second goal...I think I have actually set out and did what I wanted to accomplish.  I have shared my purchases (both good and not so much), my wax busting (epic and painful), my opinions on the hobby, my disgust with certain aspects of sports, not sure about the capital punishment thing but you get the idea.  It has been amazing to see all the people in this industry that share the same feelings on things and ideas about where the state of the hobby is and where it may go in the future.  It's comforting that I am not alone in many of my opinions.

I have done some trading...A LOT OF TRADING.  I think I have made more trades in the last four years than I did in my entire youth (and trust me when I say that was a lot).  I have even slacked on a bunch of trades too and I intend to hold up my end eventually, I swear.  But the bigger point of making a few friends...I think I accomplished that in spades.  Collectors in this blogging community are some of the most generous, kind hearted, understanding, and all around good people in this world.  I am glad to have met so many of you over this 500 post run and I wouldn't give that up for anything.  There are even a few of you out there that I would consider actual friends (and a few I've never met in person) if you can believe that.  I am grateful for the relationships I have made through this hobby and doing this blog. 

And finally, my goal of providing an informational/entertaining/thought provoking perspective is purely objective.  If you are one that came here for information and you may have learned something, great.  If you were entertained, even better.  If you ask me, I'm the one who learned the most, not only about this hobby but about who I am as a collector and how I fit into the big picture.  Writing about this hobby, my collection, and my other various thoughts has helped me to focus a little more and develop into a better collector.

I hope most of this makes sense.  I didn't have a contest prepared or a giveaway planned so this simple acknowledgement is all I have.  And who knows?  With any luck, maybe I'll still be around after 500 more.


  1. Here's to another 500 and 500 after that!!

    It's a great accomplishment. This is one of the first blogs I started reading way back when and still the first one I check on a daily basis (sorry Sal and Justin!).

    I can honestly say collecting wouldn't be as much fun without The Real DFG so thank you for all the posts and keep up the good work.

    1. You know, in the past month, I have heard from four people telling me they use my page as a jumping off point for the blogroll on the side panel. No wonder my traffic was abnormally high, even when I hadn't posted in a while.

  2. DFG..congrats on 500 posts!!

    I hear you about blogs coming and going. I've been doing this only a year and a half and I already have had a few of my favorites leave for various reasons.

    All those other things about learning/entertaining, that's the best part about blogging. We learn more about this great hobby than we ever expected to.

    See you at 1000.

    1. The learning keeps me involved, that's for sure.

  3. Congrats on the 500! I've been reading your blog for a while now and always keep coming back for more. Keep up the good work and here's to the next 500!

  4. congrats bud. keep writing, we'll keep reading.

  5. 500 is a big number, it doesn't matter how long it takes to get there! Keep up the great work!

    1. Thank you, sir. I appreciate the well wishes.

  6. Congrats on the milestone! Been following along with your blog for quite a while now (may even hane the left the occassional comment) and i'm looking forward to continuing to do for your next 500 posts!


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