Thursday, August 2, 2012

Random Team Assignments For The Group Break

Well the deadline has passed for entries into the Group Break and I must say, I was quite happy with the turnout.  Of 15 available slots, 14 slots were filled.  We only had 1 spot left at the end that went unfulfilled but that's quite alright with me as I only anticipated about 10 people getting on board with this.  Sooooo...Thanks to all of you that decided to give this a try.

Since we need to random off some teams, I decided to use that site that everyone seems to use for these types of things.  Then I decided to do the randomization 3 times each for both participants and teams.  Why three?  I don't really know.  I guess I have seen everyone else do it and no one complained.  At any rate, the numbered order for the participants will correspond to the same number of the random team (ie., You are #5 and #5 on the team list is the Kamloops, that's who you get [it would also mean the randomizer is broken]).

Here is the participant order...

One Time...

Two Times...

Three Times...

You'll notice there are 14 entries, two of which are Dave H because he paid for two teams so he gets two randoms.  I'm on there too because technically I paid for all the teams that are left so I should at least get one of them.

Now the team randomization...

One Time...

Two Times...

Three Times...

So there you have it.  The official random team pairings for the Group Break are complete.  You will notice that 15 and 16, Tampa and Nashville are left without a participant.  They stay with me until the end when I will decide what to do with them.  Who knows?  I may keep 'em. 

In case you can't read the lists I will type them out along with a link to everyone's blog (assuming you have one...and I know about it)

1.  Casey from Drop The Gloves - - Boston Bruins & Los Angeles Kings via trade from BA Benny
2.  Me from The Real DFG - - Pittsburgh Penguins & Dallas Stars
3.  Sal from Puck Junk - - Chicago Blackhawks & Minnesota Wild
4.  Captain Canuck from Waxaholic - - Detroit Red Wings & Florida Panthers
5.  1967ers from Diamond Cuts & Wax Stains - - Toronto Maple Leafs & Carolina Hurricanes
6.  Dave H from Wax Stain Rookie - -  Ottawa Senators & Washington Capitals
7.  BA Benny from BA Benny's Baseball Card Buffet - - New York Islanders & Phoenix Coyotes via trade from Drop the Gloves
8.  Dave H from Wax Stain Rookie - - Columbus Blue Jackets & Calgary Flames
9.  Brad from Brad's Blog (which I'm not sure exists) - - Philadelphia Flyers & Anaheim Ducks
10.  Jason from Jasonvorhee's Blog - - New York Rangers & Buffalo Sabres
11.  Michael from Collecting For Kicks - - Vancouver Canucks & Tampa Bay Lightning via trade
12.  Alfredo from The Cardboard Don - - New Jersey Devils & San Jose Sharks
13.  Kevin O. from Kevin's Collection - - Colorado Avalanche & Edmonton Oilers
14.  Nick B. from Part's Unknown - - Atlanta Thrashers & Montreal Canadiens

Now if anyone wants to trade their picks, I don't have a problem with that but both parties have to agree and you should probably let me know at some point as well.  That is another one of the reasons that I posted links to all the web pages.  Communication amongst collectors and bloggers is a good thing.

Can you feel the excitement people?  I know I can.  I was playing around with the camera tonight and realized that no matter what I do, it isn't a good camera.  What I may do is use my phone's video function to open these.  I think it has a better resolution than my webcam.  I hope to start busting these tomorrow as long as things go as planned.  Lately though, nothing has gone as planned so we will see.

Until then, leave a comment if you are planning a trade.  Also leave a comment and let me know what you want me to start with.  The highest vote will get broken first.

Stay tuned.


  1. Florida is up for trade.

    Any Roberto Luongo, Jovanovski, Boumeester fans out there?

    1. Interesting in trading for St. Louis? Pretty much trading crap for more crap...

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'd like to trade only for San Jose. The reason being is that there are chances for Adam Graves cards, and he's my all-time favorite player. Others will be considered. Anyone who's interested let me know(I have Buffalo).

    And I vote for the 2002 Crown Royale to be busted first.

  3. The Minnesota Mild, I mean Wild, "hits" are up for trade.

    Any takers?



  4. I maybe a Blackhawks fan but at the time the boxes came out I was watching my all time favorite player in Patrick Roy for Colorado. But I would trade Florida or Minnesota for Edmonton. Luongo(Florida) and Gaborik(Wild) are not bad hits.

  5. Oh man, the Coyotes? I can't wait to clean up on Shane Doan cards (*eyeroll*).

    Whatever enforcers people get, I'd be interested...

  6. I never thought i would be questioned on the validity of the randomizer. Geez!! You guys really didn't like your picks. Tell you what...if someone wants to dump their bonus pick for either of the unclaimed teams, which would be Tampa Bay or Nashville, i will make that happen. ill even throw my Dallas pick up for trade too. First come first served. Othewise let me know if you make other transactions.

  7. Oh, I don't think people are questioning the validity of the randomizer. I think everyone's bonus team is just sort of meh, which makes sense because if they were any good, we would have picked them.

    I'm looking forward to the break and hope I can get a few addictions to my different collections.

  8. I wanted to get this started tonight but my band has gig tomorrow and we haven't played since last weekend at our other gig. We have a rehearsal tonight so I don't know when I will get home. If it is early enough, I will try to do a box. If not, look for something tomorrow morning-ish.

    1. Also, there are still a couple of you that I need payment from. No hurry, just reminding.

  9. I would be open to trading the Kings if anybody is interested.

  10. Benny, if you want the Coyotes, I'd take the Kings off your hands.

    1. I am cool with trading the Kings for the Coyotes. Done deal.

  11. I'll swap my St. Louis for Tampa Bay which was not claimed by randomizer

  12. Now I will offer the Coyotes up for trade if anybody is interested.


Let's chat about it. Leave a comment and start a discussion.