Monday, August 6, 2012

Group Break Box #2: 2002-03 Vanguard Hockey

Hopefully everyone had a chance to at least peruse the videos from the first box break.  It wasn't horrible, but it could have been better.  More hits would have been nice.  I would have liked to see more parallels too (I can't believe I am saying that) because they are all low numbered but you can't win them all.

So with that, it's time for Box #2 of the break.  This time we have a hobby box of

2002-03 Pacific Vanguard Hockey 

Vanguard was considered an upper echelon set at the time of it's release, or at least would have been if Pacific hadn't flooded the market with additional sets, parallels of sets, and endless inserts.  Overall though, the cards are real nice, kind of kitschy, but still offer something for everyone I think.  And, they are shiny!

Judge for yourself.

Part 1

Part 2

As I said in the first video, I will post scans of some of the non-base stuff.  Here is what we had in that box.

First, the Parallels (Vanguard LTD)

 Brad gets the Roenick, DFG gets the Lemieux (hey, that's me)

 The Frolov rookie goes to BA Benny, the Drury to Dave H

The Guerin goes to DFG (hey that's me)

Next up are some of the rookies

 The Blouin goes to Nick B and the Bykov to Captain Canuck

 Both of these go to Dave H

The Sharp rookie goes to Brad

Next we have the inserts

The Nash goes to Dave H. (this is a sweet looking card, IMHO)

 The Jackman goes into the bank pile, the Leopold goes to Dave H.

 The Chistov belongs to Brad and the Weiss goes to Captain Canuck

 The Belfour goes to 1967ers and the Roy goes to Kevin O.

The Richter goes to Jason and the second Belfour insert in the same box to 1967ers

These two will be random'd off at the end.  The Vinny/Joe will go to either Michael or Kevin.  The Bure/Fedorov will go to either Jason or Captain Canuck.

Finally, we have our three hits.

 The Brodeur goes to Alfredo (Wicked)
This is probably the best hit thus far for player selection and scarcity.  Let's hope it isn't the only good one either.

 The Demitra goes into the bank pile (which is growing faster than I would have liked)

 The Moose card goes to DFG (hey, that's me)

I'd rather everyone else get the hits in here but you can't control the cardboard gods.  Wait...didn't I say that already?

Box #3 will be posted in the next day or two (hopefully) so stay tuned. (it will take you that long to watch these videos).  I also should have a running total for everyone as well by then.


  1. Nice a little Devils love via Ottawa with the A-Train. I feel pretty lucky with how this box went. The Marty is a nice hit, but I also appreciate the Nash rookie year insert card.

  2. I was a little worried about this box when the doubles started coming in the second pack but it turned out ok.

  3. Got a little nervous with the lack of Bruins but they started coming around at the end.

  4. Thanks for the two breaks. Have enjoyed them thus far. If you want to improve video quality, you need to light the crap out of that room your in (includes painting lights if you have them). But thanks again and looking forward to the next three boxes!


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