Friday, October 8, 2021

Latest Puck Junk Podcast: The One In Which We Get Our Mascots On

100 episodes!  No idea how we got here but we did.  It's been a long road with lots of speed bumps but it's been a blast up to this point.

For this very special episode, Sal and I are joined by Puck Junk writers Blake Isaacs and Jim Howard to discuss everyone's favorite topic...NHL Mascots!  Wanna know who we think is the best? The worst? The not so worthy of even ranking?  Check out the show. We even discuss what we think the Kraken will do with developing a mascot.  

 Like what you read? Have a comment? Be sure to leave one below. 

 Follow Sal Barry on Twitter @PuckJunk & Instagram @PuckJunk

Follow Tim Parish on Twitter @TheRealDFG & Instagram @therealdfg66.
Follow Blake Isaacs on Twitter @bisaacs1995 & Instagram @bisaacs1995.
Follow Jim “Not the Goalie” Howard on Instagram @flyingv2112.
Podcast opening and closing music by Jim “Not the Goalie” Howard.

Subscribe to the Puck Junk Hockey Podcast on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotifyiHeartRadioStitcherPodchaserPocketCastsCastbox , Castro,

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