Wednesday, February 24, 2021

I Can't Believe It's Not Cardboard - Highlighting Other Personal Collectibles (Clemente Print)

I really don't remember where I picked up this print but I have had it in my collection for quite a long time. Only recently have I thrown it in a frame because having moved it a dozen or so times in my life, it's taken some beatings on the edges of the backer board. What is it, you ask? Its a print (or maybe lithograph) by Prosport Creations of Roberto Clemente.

Apparently this is part of a series of prints featuring artwork of the famous San Diego sports artist and illustrator, Christopher Paluso.  I tried to find more information about this back when I got it but couldn't find much because most of these that I have seen are 5x7 in size  This one is at least 11x17 in size, not including the matting on the back.  The design has the artist work paired with a photo of the player, as well as the image of a commemorative stamp that was done in 1984 to commemorate Clemente's 50th birthday.  The drawing was also done in 1988 but the copyright on the print is 1990.  

If you notice on the bottom, the print is numbered #/5000. Also, you'll see that the original artwork is signed by Paluso, which is part of the print. However, there is a second signature of Paluso in the center that appears to be actually signed. Again, I don't know enough about this one so if anyone out there has the story behind this, by all means let me know.  

Is it real? I don't know. Is it a print? Again, I don't know. What I do know is that its an awesome piece that's part of my collection and adorns one of the walls in my office/hobby room/mancave.  

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