Wednesday, January 6, 2021

I Can't Believe It's Not Cardboard - Highlighting Other Personal Collectibles (Pens Cup Wheaties)

Well this is actually cardboard but not the kind we usually discuss. The first item for this feature is this 1991 NHL Stanley Cup Champions Wheaties box of the Pittsburgh Penguins.  I have had this item in my collection since 1991 when my grandmother gave the box to me. My grandparents were actually the only people I ever knew that bought Wheaties for anything other than to collect the boxes. It was one of my grandma's favorite cereals and I spent many a breakfast growing up eating the Breakfast of Champions. 

At one point, I still had the cereal in the box but about 20 years ago, I decided to dump the cereal after we had a bit of a rodent problem in the house I lived in at the time. However, the box is intact otherwise and is a nice piece in my collection. It resides on a shelf, high atop my office wall.  


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