Thursday, November 14, 2013

An Epic Card Has Arrived.

I have noticed lately that both Upper Deck and Panini have been sending redemption cards of "higher" value with signature verifications.  I have no problem with that other than the fact that no one is ever home at my house to sign for them.  Regardless, the Post Office gladly holds my little yellow envelopes for me until I can get my happy butt over there to pick them up.

Well an epic card awaited me yesterday.  I bought a box of Panini Classics Signatures back in March at the Chicago Sun-Times Sports Show in Rosemont, IL.  In it was a redemption for a triple auto.  Honestly, I never expected to receive this card and assumed it would be one that would need replaced.  Then the email came last week.  My card had shipped.

And here it is in all it's glory...

One Card!!  

Three HOFers!!!  

Three Autographs!!!  

19 Total Stanley Cup Championships!!!  



  1. it always warms my heart to see fans of other teams with amazing cards of my team.


    that's a beauty. Congrats.

    1. Amazing is right! Knowing that there is that much hardware between them makes it that much more special. Although, I'd much rather have a triple auto of 3 Pens HOFers...unfortunately, that doesn't exist since the only true Pen in the HOF is Lemieux. Maybe someone could make a Lemieux, Francis, Coffey card...or a Mullen, Murphy, and Trottier card...or a Boivin (is he dead yet), Horton (I know he is), Bathgate card.

  2. That card is insane, congrats. I'm not really a fan of Panini but they nailed this one, just an awesome card.

    So what ridiculous pull are you planning next weekend at the show?

    1. I totally forgot about the show next weekend. I'm not sure if I will be able to go. Plus, I already picked up a box of Select and two boxes of UD Series I. Those were the only two new products I was interested in.

      Although, if DA brings all the ITG stuff like last time for cheap...Damn, this is a hard decision...

    2. The Real DFG's guide to the Sun-Times card shows:

      Step 1 - State he forgot about the show and may not be able to make it.

      Step 2 - Not only decide to make the road trip, but also bring the little guys.

      Step 3 - Find a good deal on a box and pull one of the best hits in the product.

      Did I get that right? Haha!

    3. Blowout has these boxes on sale for $89, just in case you were interested.

  3. Love some of the designs Panini put out in this Classics product. I've never seen a triple auto until now.....but wow! Stunner.

    All hard signed right?

    1. Yes, sir. All hard signed. No stickers here, thank the gods.


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