Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Cleaning The "Dogfaced Daily" Blogroll

This is just a short "blog cleaning" post that I wanted to bring up regarding my own blogroll over there on the right hand side of your screen (assuming you are using a computer or not looking at this in mobile mode).  

I know there are some of you out there that are avid readers but also have blogs of your own.  If I have yours listed over there, great.  If not, leave me a comment and let me know what it is so I can add it.  If you know someone that has a great blog, send them my way too.  I want to try and keep things interesting and as most of you know, I have a variety of blogs, not just hockey related.  Anything that has to do with sports or the hobby is fair game (No porn though...Well maybe porn....No, no porn).  I enjoy having a multitude of things to read and I know you do too.  It keeps me sane.

I have actually learned over the past four years of blogging that there are quite a few people that come to my site just for the blog roll (hopefully they read a little too).  In an effort to keep things as fresh as possible, I have decided to do some cleaning of what I would call "dormant" blogs.  These are the ones that have not posted anything in over 8 months.  I chose 8 months because, well, I like the number 8.  It's fun, it gives me energy and it's a great way to stay in shape.  I'm not wiping them off the face of the earth.  I am just removing them from the blog roll for the time being until they awaken from their slumber.  So in order to offset that, I need replacements, hence the request in the last paragraph.

Also, if you are a regular reader (or semi-regular, or just found this site by accident), take a second and hit that "JOIN THE SITE" button over there under the Wall of Fame heading.  You don't have to have a blog either.  You can join with your Google, Yahoo, or Twitter IDs also.  The reasons...I have some things planned on the horizon that I would like to have open to members of the WOF including some contests, giveaways, and possibly another larger scale multi-box break.  Those of you privileged ones will be the first to know about them.   

So everyone take a minute and help me with my spring "blog cleaning".

(Plus +1 if you got the "bike rider guy" reference up there...oh, wait this doesn't have that google plus thingy)


  1. May you please add me to your blogroll? My blog is Nomo's Sushi Platter. Thanks.

    1. I got you covered, dude. Thanks for letting me know.

  2. I have a sports blog if you are interested:


  3. could you add me please? or maybe I just missed my blog on the list haha.

    1. Greg, yours was on there already but for some reason wasn't showing up. I fixed that problem.

  4. I don't have a blog (because I am too lazy) but I do check in daily the see what's going on. Actually I'm probably on here 4 or 5 times a day. Then I go look at some porn and come back to see if there are any new posts on the blog roll. It's a vicious cycle!

    More Family Guy references please!

    1. You're not lazy. You just realize that everything you need or want to say is already right here on The Real DFG...Giggity!! NOT!


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