Friday, February 17, 2012


I've been working on putting my trade list together so I can start getting rid of some of this excess mess.  By working, it has been a very slow process.  I have a ton of stuff to go through and keep accumulating more.  I need to be on Hoarders (sans garbage and putrid smell).  I have always had a bunch of stuff to trade but just haven't gotten to the point of listing it all.  Of course that helps no one so here is a start.

I have my own website that I had a long time ago and tried to link to the blog.  It didn't work as Blogger refused to list my posts on blogrolls in a timely fashion (or ever).  So the site has been sitting idle for quite a while.  I figured what better way than to use it to show off some PC cards in a gallery and put stuff up for trade.

If you see anything you might need, let me know.  There isn't a bunch up there yet.  Mostly football for now but I'm working on it.

Work In Progress


  1. Good luck man.

    I was cleaning up some stuff this morning since I haven't been in much of a card mood lately. It took a few hours, and I don't have nearly the amount of stuff you do.

  2. There's a new post on my 1979 Topps blog. The first Pirates post is giving you mad Buccos love. If your're interested, here's the link:

    Hope you like it. I think the Pirates might have a good year this year.

  3. Thanks for the mention, my friend. It's not easy being black and yellow on the diamond at least.

  4. Oh man, once I get through some of the trades I'm working on right now, I've got a mess of Steelers & Pirates I can send your way.

  5. The Black & Gold are always welcome in my neighborhood.


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