Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Last Chance for Upper Deck's THE CUP (for real this time)

This is just a shameless self promotion for my Ebay Auctions because I can.

Anyone that might have been interested in any of THE CUP cards that were pulled from my last box break video can go check them out on my Ebay Auction page.  I believe I placed everything from the boxes up for sale so there is nothing left behind.  Most of the Auctions end TODAY!  Some start at $.99.

There are also a few football cards on there including a 1/1 Calvin Johnson Artist Sketch card from last years Topps set and some Orange Refractors as well.  I also put up a few of the autograph hits out of a 2010-11 SP Authentic Hockey box that was thrown into my THE CUP deal.  There are cards of Dany Heatley, Zach Hamill, rookies Dana Tyrell and Zac Dalpe, and others.  Most of these start at $.99 as well.  Check them out.  

You can also click on the little applet thingy over on the right that keeps scrolling through auction images.  That will take you right to the page.

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.


  1. DFG, your shameless plug worked...I have bid on one of the auctions for ya...

  2. One is better than none. Thanks.

  3. I can bid on those two SP Authentic future watch (unsigned) cards, or would you rather I work out an arrangement off of eBay for them?

    Also interested in any other SP Authentic short prints or Holo cards. Ironically, I also got signed cards of Dalpe and Tyrell in my box of SPA.

  4. Well I threw those up there because technically they were part of THE CUP deal that I got. I was just trying to get some of the base cost back and really saw no interest in keeping them. If you want to bid, take a shot. Otherwise if they don't sell, you are first on the list to work out something.

    I also have Iginla in the HoloFX that I'd be willing to part with. I got the Gordie Howe one too but I think I am going to keep that because it just looks really cool. I don't remember what Essentials cards were in there. I'll have to go look.


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