Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Trade Post & A "Sedin'ing"

Did you ever have one of those days?  You know the ones I'm talking about.  That was today.  So when I came home to find a nice giant yellow envelope in my maibox, it seemed the bad day would turn into a nice evening.  But then this happened...

For the sake of straining your eyes on my crappy webcam picture taking abilities, let me translate.  That says "? Baseball Has Bip.  Hockey Has..."  What the heck could that mean?  You can't Bip someone with non-baseball cards, can you?  Has it been done before?  I don't know.  But certainly not to me.  What did I do to anyone?  But there really couldn't be anything too horrible in here, could there?


I have one word...Payback.  Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow.  But it will come.  You are lucky your package has already been sealed up and I don't really feel like re-opening it.

So on to what I really wanted to show.  The rest of what was in here.  I got some major dentage to my 2009-10 Champs set.  Here we have a bunch of Red and Green parallels that I needed. 

What Champs trade would be complete without some minis.  Here are a few that I needed from my list.

Also, there were a bunch of 2011 Topps Baseball that I needed.  I kind of gave up on this set a while ago because I really didn't feel like picking up any more packs/boxes.  Also, with all the great hockey releases that continued to come out throughout the year, baseball became sort of an after thought.  Here are a few.  I know they look blurry but you get the point.

Oh, and I would be remiss if I didn't mention the O-Pee-Chee cards that were in there.  We had some from 2008 and some from 2009.  As you can see, the majority were rookies, including a Carey Price Marquee Rookie.  Very nice stuff. 

Thanks for the cards, Nick.  The evening turned out pretty well after all.  Despite the "bipping" the cards are all a welcomed addition to the set needs.  I have your package ready to go so be on the look out.  I also have some ideas for a future package. 

Just remember...You started it.


  1. Hahaha that was a great vid...I felt like it was some sort of James Bond/Rocky meets Upper Deck medley going on...can't wait to see payback...

  2. Glad to see the cards arrived.

    Let the games begin! I'd like to think it's the first Hockey Bipping, so today is a day that shall live in infamy. That's just the first shot and I expect a long war of attrition with no victors.

    I think it's time to start a blog!

  3. Yeah it is time. How you held out this long, I'll never know. As for the bipping of sorts, you don't want none of this.


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