Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Redemption Song - - 2010-11 Donruss

I think I posted once or twice about a box of Donruss I opened a long time ago.  Well one of the autograph hits in the box was a redemption for a Die-Cut Gem Auto of Teemu Selanne.  I wasn't sure what I wanted to do at the time.  Some of the auto redemption cards were going for upwards of $100 on the Bay and I was potentially looking to turn a profit.  But I thought better of it and decided to send in the code.

I'm now glad I did...Submitted 2/22/11...Received 7/5/2011...133 days.

Die-Cut card?  Check.  Low production run?  Check, out of /25.  Sticker auto?  Yeah, so what.  Teemu is a sure first ballot HOFer.  He has to be.  Going into this year, he was #1 in total goals, even strength goals, power play goals, and game winning goals amongst all active players.    Plus he was third in total points with 1260.  Even the guy sitting in the stands behind him is in awe of how awesome this card is. 

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