Thursday, June 9, 2011

Billy G is a Pen again

The Penguins announced yesterday officially that Bill Guerin would be rejoining the club.  Not as a player, but as a player development coach.  I am, of course, thrilled by this news as my favorite Pen from the last few years is now back in a position in which I thought they should have offered to him long ago. 

As a development coach, he will work with all of the younger generation players throughout the organization helping to develop guys as they come up through the ranks. My guess is he will more than likely play a big role in that transition from when players leave junior hockey or college and come to play for the minor leagues.  The best part, though, is that Billy G wanted to stay with the Pens organization and to be offered an opportunity to come back in this capacity has got to be exciting for him and his family. 

Congrats to the Guerin family and the Pens organization for getting back one of the best team leaders in the past decade.


  1. Happy to see him employed again. Classy guy and the Pens organization is not a bad one to start in. When you guys are done with him, the Devils could use him as an assistant coach!

  2. Fear the beard, NHL style.

    good to see you're alive!


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