Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I'm Doing It Again...2010-11 O-Pee-Chee Preview

In an effort to prevent myself from boiling over with excitement, I decided to do what I don't like doing and post another product preview.  This time, it's the December scheduled release of my yearly mountain to climb, O-Pee-Chee.

Very slick design with the black hockey blade shaped logo swoosh.  Perhaps a little too much border space rather than photo but it is a refreshing switch from the brownish/gold borders of past years or the very busy/colorful design of last year.

Upper Deck has released their preview of this years O-Pee-Chee flagship set and to me, it doesn't disappoint.  As with every year since it's return to the fold of viable card sets, the O-Pee-Chee "monster", as I call it, has been a mainstay in my collection and many set collector's in the collecting community. 

Keeping with the apparent theme of this years releases, "what's old is now new", the design for the Marquee Rookies is something straight out of the junk wax era.  You even get the impression (well I do at least) that they are borrowing from the 1976-77 set (see reference below).  I can only assume the Tangradi card is is a "test" shot because of it being slightly out of focus.  The Subban is more like what I am expecting for the finished product.

1976-77 O-Pee-Chee Mike Corrigan.  The design looks very similar.

There doesn't appear to be any change with the set collation again as 600 cards has become the calling card for this huge set.  It will also feature a decent crop of rookies in the Marquee Rookie subset, along with the Legends subset that many collector's have come to love.  Plus, with the cards coming out in December, you will be sure to see many of the rookies that lace up the skates in October.

Very slick looking autograph cards.  Design looks very similar to the Legends subset a couple years ago.  I can't really tell if it is a sticker or on-card auto but the space for the signature seems built into the design and doesn't interfere with the card. 

In addition to the 600 card base, there will be (tentatively) Retro Parallel cards, Rainbow Foil Retro Parallel cards both regular and the more rare Black Rainbow.  The In-Action insert cards are back as well but with an addition of a 1 per case SP version.  There will also be a signature set with cards falling about 3 per case and an O-Pee-Chee Souvenirs set that features the "floating head" design and 4 player jersey pieces, also falling about 3 per case.
The "floating head" card design with the jerseys...I don't remember a hockey release trying this design before but it was done in baseball numerous times like the 1979 team cards, Upper Deck Vintage from earlier last decade, or 2001 Fleer Tradition.  All I know is I have to have this card.

Pack out on this bad boy is going to be typical:  6 Cards/Pack, 36 Packs/Box, 12 Boxes/Case.  Estimated price on the packs with most definitely range from $1.99-$2.99 for retail and possibly $3-$4 for hobby although those are just a guess.  Regardless, I think this years set is going to be a big hit once again


  1. I like the look of the base cards EXCEPT for the giant, overbearing O-Pee-Chee logo that takes up so much space.

    I wish Upper Deck would exhibit a little understanding of "Visual Hierarchy" when designing these cards.

    If the player's name was the biggest text on the front, just like EVERY OTHER CARD SET, then the design would be so much better.

  2. The design is ok but what the heck difference is there in Victory and O Pee Chee - these are basically the same 2 set just called different names

  3. I don't think so John. Have you seen this years' Victory? It is very different than the previous three years.

  4. I think what John means is that both Victory and OPC are low-end sets. That is correct, but OPC is 600 cards while Victory is only 250 cards. OPC is meant to appeal to oldschool collectors, and usually uses gray cardstock to look "oldschool." Victory is glossy, and full color on both sides, trying to meet expectations of younger collectors. If that makes sense :)

  5. I gotcha, although I don't really consider OPC as a low end product. To me, Collector's Choice, Victory, MVP, those are the low end. I think UD flagship and OPC fall more like the mid range. I don't know, to each his/her own I guess. Perception is 9/10th of reality.

  6. This years O-Pee-Chee doesn't look as appealing to me as the last few years. I don't like the lack of picture and the rainbow on the rookie cards. I think I'm gonna take a break from O-Pee-Chee for this year.

  7. OPC costs more, but looks "cheap", hence my perception that it is a "low-end" product. But unfortunately, it is also the most comprehensive set. I wish OPC looked like Victory and cost what Victory cost, but still had 600-700 cards.

  8. I'm just not feelin' it. I WANT to love the design because I love retro-60s/70s stuff but I don't think they pull it off well; the design looks like it's trying too hard to look retro-y.

    I do like the signatures design, though. Oh, and the floating heads are sort of cool, just wish they were bigger.

  9. What a lively discussion. It seems I am in the minority here with a more than favorable viewpoint on this years release. Most of you know, and if you don't - now you do, that I am a pseudo-set builder so OPC is always my Mt. Everest.

    So far I have been pleased with the Score set, I liked the Victory, the Upper Deck looks pretty good, and I think these are good too. The only ones I hated were the Certified so far.


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